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Covenant Teachings

WEALTH TRANSFER - Covenant Example

WEALTH TRANSFER - Covenant Example

22 November 2022 Financial Covenant Lord Jesus I thank you for giving me the wisdom to discern the times and for allowing me insight and preparation into the Wealth Transfer. I know it is only because of your goodness and grace that you have chosen me to be your steward. I know dedicated all my finances back to you Lord Jesus, I ask you to please use me as your instrument in this next season and for the season that is ahead of us. I submit myself to you to be used for whatever purpose you direct me. Holy Spirit lead me into truth and confirm your word with regards to how I should be your steward. I acknowledge that it is not me that has gained this wealth, but just like you assisted Joseph, it was you Lord Jesus that orchestrated things to benefit not only Jospeh and his family but nations. Use me too Lord to be a carrier of the uncommon favour of the Lord to be able to bless my family and nations. I render to you all the assets we have purchased XRP, LUNC, SILVER, XLM, XDC, ALGO, B****, S****, C**, D**, L**, SHIB, DIGIBITE, C***, GOLD I ask that the following go smoothly and therefore as part of my covenant drench these future plans and purposes in the blood of Jesus My exit plan My exit price points My off ramps The exchanges I use The conversions I make My hot and cold wallets My taxes Every transaction I make Holy Spirit give me steady hands and a calm mind when the transfers begin and the bull run commences. Make me sober and vigilant in Jesus name. I come against and bind all interference to make me make mistakes in Jesus name. I bind and come against all financial loss and hackers in Jesus name. I bind and come against all avenues the enemy may use to steal in Jesus name. I renounce the principality of Mammon in my life and bloodline in Jesus name. I renounce all marine kingdom demons in my life and bloodline in Jesus name. I now bind up all these spirits from the marine kingdom in Jesus name. They will not have jurisdiction over my finances or businesses in Jesus name. I bind up all spirits that seek to kills, steal and destroy in Jesus name. I rededicate all my finances to you Lord Jesus in Jesus name. I also cover my inheritance for my future children in the blood of Jesus. It will not be squandered or misused. I come against irresponsible behaviour and prodigal son mentality. As for me and my household we will serve the Lord. I use my authority to bind up all demonic activity and principalities that would hind or block my blessings from flowing. I dedicate all the assignments you have for us to accomplish. We will live to see the completion of these in Jesus name. Let our days be numbered and plentiful and bless the work of our hands. Make us fishers of men for the kingdom. Use us for your glory oh Jesus. I know ask you give us discernment into future business alliances. That we are not in haste to form unequally yoked partnerships. Let us always inquire of you just like David did. Lord Jesus give me a Joseph anointing to gain and acquire wealth. I submit all: Business ideas to you Future homes we will buy ( Let them be problem free in Jesus name - guide us to the right purchases for our property portfolio) Churches I will give to - make me wise to not give churches that are incorrect, 5013c or any pulpit that does not have Jesus as total master. Show me who needs your kingdom finances and let me be equally yoked with this ministry and let there be no unholy alliances or evil soul ties Future investments that I reinvest into Future inheritances Banking institutions Wallets - nano ledgers and online wallets Apps that hold my finances Exchanges that hold my finances Future decisions they will make regarding cryptocurrency let them be in my favour Lord Jesus. All regulation and pending lawsuits let them be to my advantage Lord Jesus. The financial crisis, Oh Lord- let me sour like an eagle during this period in Jesus name Assignments you will have me embark on in Jesus name All these things I place at the altar of God and ask for protection in each area and guidance in Jesus name. Give me wisdom to gain insight upon insight regarding finances. Make me wise to store and save for difficult years. Make me a safe haven like you did with Noah. Protect me from the plans and purposes of the enemy in Jesus name. Make me wise to know what is ahead and give me an alertness if the enemy has counter petitioned for me to sift me as wheat at the throne room. Now Lord I submit my body, life, finance, homes, land, banks to you in unreserved obedience in Jesus name. I now decree and declare the following two scriptures over my financial covenant Deut 8:18 Proverbs 10:22 . Psalm 2:8, Deut 1:8 Deuteronomy 6:11 Psalm 72 Haggai 2:7-8 Joel 2:24 INCLUDE YOUR DREAMS Thank you Lord Jesus I am signing my covenant as a seal of agreeing with you and your word. Sign Date


  1. For the full and complete biblical definition of covenant please visit 

  2. Covenants are the backbone of the bible

  3. Author Dr. Rebecca Brown MD, "Standing on the Rock: The Powers of God's Covenants"

  4. Author Dr  John Benefiel "Binding the Strongman Over America and the Nations: Healing the Land, Transferring Wealth, and Advancing the Kingdom of God"

  5. Amanda Buys "Altars and Covenants" teaching PDF here-->

Finance covenant
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Zaphenath-Pania, lover of the messiah Jesus, Bride, Remnant, Covenant keeper, worshipper of YHWH

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