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Bookcover: Designed by Kim, the cover depicts the slight of hand by the Money Changers. The Author specifically requested that the Stellar Lumens Logo be added. 


Money Changers - A Biblical Lens on Mammon, Maritime Law &  The Marine Kingdom

  • The book Money Changers was inspired after almost two decades of research into the macro financial underpinnings of our society. It is a consolidated works that looks at mammon for what it is, and how to take dominion over it.


    Knowledge is power and in order to effectively govern wealth, you must understand wealth. In order to understand how money works, you need to understand the system that the Money Changers have set up. 


    This book explores the intricacies of the money supply, and does so by unpacking the following:


    (i) The potential origins of money

    (ii) Banks 

    (iii) A Goshen prototype Bank

    (iv) The money supply 

    (v) Money through a biblical lens

    (vi) Maritime terminology in so far as it may relate to maritime jurisprudence, the marine kingdom and where we go from here.


    This book is for every believer who identifies themself with the life of Joseph, The Viceroy of Egypt, found in the Book of Genesis. Joseph was given a special anointing by God to have governance over wealth. 


    The book, although written for a Christian audience, is applicable to all those who are keen to unravel the mysteries of the money supply.

Meet The Team




The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

I AM that I AM

Ancient of Days

Alpha and Omega


Jesus Christ 

King of Kings

The High Priest after the order of Melchizedek

The Messiah

The Blood Sacrifice on the altar of YHWH

Bread of life

My everything

Image by Zugr

The Holy Spirit

The Ruach HaKodesh, Breath of God, Leader into all truth, Living Water, Fire of God, Dunamis power, The Anointing, The Spirit of Prophecy pointing to Jesus

The Comforter



Watchman on the wall, Teacher, Dreamer,

Zaphenath-Pania, lover of the messiah Jesus, Bride, Remnant, Covenant keeper, worshipper of YHWH

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