Spiritual Warfare Prayers
Title: Prayer the Fire Edition: overcoming witches and warlocks
Table of Contents
1. Supernatural FIRE
2. A dream about FIRE
3. Witchcraft
4. FIRE Prayers
5. The Courtroom - Silence Satan with the Blood
6. Our Father
7. The names of Jesus
8. Daily Confessions
9. The FIRE armour of God
10. Selah
11. Watchman Prayer
12. Battle Cry
13. Worship is warfare
14. Anointing your home
15. The Blood
16. The Blood of Jesus
17. Pleading the blood of Jesus
18. Dispatching angels
19. Passover & the meal that heals
20. The TEN Jerichos
21. The Shofar
22. Shema
23. Prayers against Witchcraft
24. Solar or Lunar events
25. Spider webs
26. Cross Roads
27. Gateways, Portals, Doorways, Windows and Stargates
28. Blood sucking Demons
29. Python Spirit
30. Mirrors and Monitoring Spirits
31. Marine Witchcraft
32. Cages
33. Prayer over your Dreams
34. Salvation Prayer
35. 5G, EMF, Weather Warfare & Chemtrails
36. Tongues of Fire & Travailing prayer
37. Consuming Fire
38. Strange Fire
39. Lake of Fire
40. Shalom
41. Red Meat
42. Fasting
43. Things you must know
44. Satanic high days & holidays
45. YHWH’s Calendar
46. The Seven feasts of God
47. Do not be a Hero
48. Spiritual Ranking
49. GENERAL rules of engagement
50. Additional Resources
About My King Yeshua Ministries
Warfare Prayer Morning Prayer
Father, In the name of Jesus, I thank you for giving me power over ALL the power of the enemy according to Luke 10:19.
I exercise that power now and I bind and break the power of the spirit of the witch, the wizard, the warlock, and the witchdoctor. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break the power of every spirit from the kingdom of darkness working against me and (names of persons or ministries, etc).
I bind every evil spirit, even from those in the Kingdom of Light, in Charismatic witchcraft, and, in the name of Jesus, I break the power of every word-spoken curse being spoken against me and (names of persons or ministries, etc).
I send out the warring angels according to Hebrews 1:14 to scramble the plans and the assignments that the enemy has for me this day! I dispatch your fire angels into the camp of the enemy to uproot, dismantle and destroy, just like the angel at Assyria, who killed an entire army of soldiers in one night. (2 Kings 19:35)
I sever the silver cord of every spirit that is astral-projecting to watch me, eavesdrop, gather information, trip me up, block or hinder the works of God! In the name of Jesus, I bind every spirit not of the Holy Spirit. As I sever the silver cord I ask that the angels execute Exodus 22:18 which is righteous in stating, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live”. I cut all spiritual highways and ley lines that are used to connect me and my loved ones, to any witchcraft activity, in Jesus name. I forbid witches and warlocks from using ley lines or astral projection to access me or my family and I erect a wall of fire around me according to Zach 2:5 which states, For I will be a wall of fire around you, declares the LORD, and I will be the glory within it.
Satan and your hosts, I bind you, rebuke you, and render you powerless over my life and (name of church, ministries, ministers, family members). I assign mighty angels to stand shoulder-to-shoulder around every person in our family, all those in leadership, the shepherds and the sheep, to guard and protect that no evil penetrates.
I break every single word curse that has been spoken against me and my loved ones in Jesus name. Let their witchcraft plans fail in Jesus name. Let all those who are against me be confounded and put to shame (Psalm 35). Let the plans and the assignments that the enemy has constructed for me backfire. Let the pit that they dug for me be their own pit. Let the gallows that they hung for me, be their own gallows in Jesus' name.
Father, I ask that you would expose any terroristic acts or unholy activity before it has time to take root, give me keen discernment and wisdom that I might be as wise as a serpent, but harmless as dove (Matthew 10:16), and I thank you for turning every curse that would come against me or mine into a blessing, for our good and your glory. (Numbers 24:1-9; Deuteronomy 23:5)
I cover myself (names of persons, ministries, etc.) with the Precious BLOOD OF JESUS.
Thank you Abba for all the spiritual blessings that have been bequeathed unto me as an heir in Jesus Christ. Thank you that through Jesus Christ, I am a recipient of two power covenants; the covenant that YHWH gave to Abraham and the covenant of the Blood of Jesus. Through my covenants I now loose my freedom in the spirit realm and may it be evident in the natural realm, in Jesus’ name.
Through the covenant made with Jesus, I loose my talents, my fruits and my gifts in the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus give me an abundance of love, shalom, joy, goodness, kindness, mercy, grace, miracles, healings, and unexpected divine intervention as I covenant with you today. Jesus baptise me with the Holy Ghost and with your Fire. Holy Spirit, I welcome you into my day, may we have fellowship throughout the day, may I discern your voice clearly.
According to Matthew 18:18 which states, “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” I loose the work of my hands, my land, vineyards, olive groves, wells, ships, camels, my gold talents, my silver and houses in Jesus’ name. Make me a wise investor in Jesus’ name. I loose myself and my destiny in Jesus name, anything enslaving me must be unfettered in Jesus name. Holy Spirit, please give me wisdom like Solomon, strategy like Joseph, a prayer life like Daniel and governance like David. I declare that the spirit of excellence rests upon me, I am the head and not the tail and that those over me will seek to set me over entire realms. Position me like Esther, who had an audience with the king, for such a time as this. May I be like Caleb, having the glory and strength of a young man in his old age and may I conquer giants like he did. Make me like Jabez who said, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.
Thank you for hearing my prayer and granting me these requests. I bless your Holy name Jesus.
About the AM Warfare Prayer
The church is lacking in teaching the Body of Christ how to fight their adversary, the devil. God asked Moses in Exodus 14:15 "Why are you crying out to me? Then in Exodus 14:16 God told Moses to use the rod of authority that He had given him! We must begin to use the authority that God has given us, IN THE NAME OF JESUS. God bless you as you step out in His power! [3]
Monitoring Spirits
When I make phone calls or have personal conversations that I don't want the enemy to hear, I say out loud, "Lord, I cover this conversation with the Blood of Jesus, and I bind every little bird that would carry my words, in Jesus' name. (Ecclesiates 10:20)
Meet The Team

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
I AM that I AM
Ancient of Days
Alpha and Omega

Jesus Christ
King of Kings
The High Priest after the order of Melchizedek
The Messiah
The Blood Sacrifice on the altar of YHWH
Bread of life
My everything

The Holy Spirit
The Ruach HaKodesh, Breath of God, Leader into all truth, Living Water, Fire of God, Dunamis power, The Anointing, The Spirit of Prophecy pointing to Jesus
The Comforter

Watchman on the wall, Teacher, Dreamer,
Zaphenath-Pania, lover of the messiah Jesus, Bride, Remnant, Covenant keeper, worshipper of YHWH