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Writer's pictureKim @MyKingYeshua

The British Pound Devalues

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

Only by Grace can we enter only by Grace can we stand not by our human indeed but by the blood of the land um hello everybody so remember that we only Stand By Grace and it's only through the blood of Jesus that we're able to start so welcome to today's presentation I'll be sharing a dream that I had in July I had loads of Dreams in July which I'm yet to release and this is one of them um and today's presentation will cover a devaluation of the British pound as well as um Yom Kippur which is coming up which is the day of atonement and it will look at coins from the Bible so a jam-packed presentation today we're going to kick off the presentation with the dream that I had in July so let's get stuck in so in this dream I was running to catch a bus and um if you have lived in the United Kingdom or you've visited the United Kingdom you know that the buses don't wait for anybody if you're not on time when the bus arrives at the bus stop that bus is going to depart because that bus has a schedule to keep and in a dream I was running to catch the bus because I was late or I was behind and ahead of me was my mother and normally when you're running late it's important to have your bus fare ready so that when you do jump on the bus the bus driver doesn't have so much of a hard time um you know processing the transaction and you can sit down and the bus can carry on with its Journey so my mother was ahead of me and I shouted out to her if she could pay my fare and I will pay her when I you know board later so my mother uh jammed on the bus and she paid for both our fares and then I managed to hop on the bus as well and I sat down and as I sat down I Was preparing to pay my mother back the money that she had paid for me to catch the particular bus and when I reached into my bag first thing I noticed in the dream is that it was night time the the event was happening at night so it was dark and when I looked down at my handbag my handbag was gold it was golden so it was gold and when I put my hand into my handbag to reach out to to reach down to get the coins the coins that I um pulled out were pound coins right so I pulled out some pound coins this is what a pound coin looks like and to my surprise I had loads and loads of pound coins in my golden bag and so um I don't know what happened maybe the bus jerked in the dream but as I was getting ready to hand over the pound coins to my mother to pay um the pound coins fell on the ground so all the pound coins that I Was preparing to give her fell on the ground at the bottom of the bus floor and so I started reaching down to pick up the pound coins and what I noticed is that the coins that I had held in my hands as I reached to pick them up on the floor they were no longer pound coins but there were pound coins mixed with two pence coins so I was quite bewildered because initially when I had reached into my handbag to pull out the pound coins I was so surprised that I had so many and um my hands were full with all these golden pound coins but when um because of the movement of the bus um the money um because of the jerk the money fell to the ground and when I was picking it up it was these pound coins mixed with two cent coins or two pence so two pence in the UK and two cents in the united in the United States and so I was very very troubled by the fact that my my my pound coins were now to Pence coins and not pound coins and uh then I woke up and so when I was praying about the interpretation of this dream the Lord showed me the symbolism and the meaning so the bus in the dream represents the local transport in the United Kingdom and the Lord will show me that the transportation system will become more expensive the transportation system will become more expensive because I was holding quite a lot of pound coins in my hand right to to repay my mother who had paid my bus fare so that's the first thing the Lord showed me that the transportation system will become more expensive then the gold handbag because remember I reached into my handbag and my handbag was actually gold it had a golden color and the gold handbag the Lord is showing me represents the currency being backed by gold because I pulled out the pound coins from a gold handbag and so the Lord was showing me that the Sterling pound is going to be backed by gold now remember I had a dream uh quite a few weeks ago and I dreamed of a gold nugget and four currencies in the gold nugget so I believe that one of those currencies is going to be the British pound because the Lord is showing me now a golden handbag and I'm pulling out the Sterling pound out of the golden handbag and so the Lord has shown me that the golden handbag represents a currency backed by gold currency backed by gold and when the currency falls to the ground because remember I drop these pound coins on the floor of the bus so the currency falling to the ground represents the devaluation so that represents the devaluation because after it falls I notice that the currency is no longer the same on the floor it has devalued so the falling of the this the physical falling is symbolic of the devaluation the falling of the currency so it fell to the ground and then I noticed that one Sterling pound or one GBP is now they are replaced by two pence coins so there's copper coins so you notice that those copper coins I'm picking up copper coins on the bottom of the bus floor and when I was praying about the interpretation of what it means that the British pound is now being replaced by the two pence coin the Lord is showing me that the British pound will go to half its value because the two pence two representing half so the British pound will go to half its value right so not all of the British pounds were converted only some were converted into two pence coins and the two pence the Lord was showing me that the British pound is going to go to half its value and so you'll notice a decrease in purchasing power once the currency is backed by gold so when the currency when the British pound becomes backed by gold because it was in a gold handbag you'll notice that the currency is going to fall D value and the devaluation will be half its value so the two pence representing half its value and so um when I prayed further about this the Holy Spirit began to give me Revelation about coins as well and so the falling of the coins to the ground also represents the fall of coins in general which really represents the discontinuation of using coins so the coins are going to fall the discontinuation of using coins and we know that the two pence coin is hardly used in the United Kingdom because it is of little value in terms of purchasing power so you hardly see this in stores anyway and so because the two pence coin is no longer used the Lord has shown me that the the pound coin will no longer be used in other words it's going to become a cashless Society whereby coins will no longer have the same uh use um customer use as they had in the past so coins will fall away as well we'll notice that we're going to go into a cashless Society and if you have caught a red bus or a double decker bus in London if you've been a tourist in London you know that they do not accept coins anyway they except um what's called an oyster card which is a card which you load with money and then you can tap it um on all the underground transport or all the buses in the United Kingdom where you when you're in London the use of coins has been phased out and so we already know that to catch a bus in the United Kingdom you you won't use coins to catch a bus the bus driver will look at you like you're mad if you give him coins and so the Lord is also showing me that there's coming a time where there'll be no longer any coins in circulation they will no longer be used and that's a that's what it means that when I saw the coins falling on the ground they become useless and redundant they've fallen down and so just going back over this uh interpretation one more time the gold handbag representing the currency backed by gold the currency falling to the ground represents the devaluation and when I inquired about the Sterling pound and the two pence coin the Lord showed me that the British pound is going to go to half its value it's going to go to half its value when it is backed by gold and then also the dream was set in the night time and uh the Lord has shown me this is symbolic of dark times ahead so it's it's a time of Darkness for the economy because the dream was at night I was I was boarding this transportation system during the night time and so uh that was the end of the dream I thought it would be interesting to mention some of the coins mentioned in the Bible because the Bible does speak about coins and the use of coins for uh everyday Commerce and if you look at the New Testament these are the types of coins that are mentioned in the Bible and um for reference if you'd like to know which scriptures these are you can find the references here they're all new testament coins and um when we look at where the Bible refers to Amina or a talent it's referring to the weight of silver rather than the coins so this is a weight uh Mina or Talent is a type of weight of silver rather than coins and these are the different types of coins that there were trading during the time that Jesus Christ used to um walk on this Earth and so what I really wanted to highlight was not so much the different names of the coins because they're they're no longer in use but just that fact that the Bible does mention coins and trading and currency in the New Testament and so when we look at the Jewish people during the day of Jesus they traded using several of these types of coins if you read the New Testament you'll find these names in the New Testament but the Jewish people were forbidden to issue their own silver coins so they were not allowed to have mints so a mint is a place where you create money and so the Jewish people were forbidden to Mint their own coins and so they they used the coins of the either the Jew uh the Greeks or the Romans right they used the coins of the Greeks or the Romans and so um what the Lord is showing me is that the um the coins that were used in their day right which were these two here right here the digma and the Tetra drachema right they were they had the symbol of Bal on it and we know that Bal is one of the ancient deities from the Old Testament we know that ball is the principality that governs America we know that Bal is uh is still the spirit of ball is still operating today you see the Bible teaches that there's nothing new Under the Sun what was done in the past is done in the present and so the coins that we issued during the days of Jesus Christ of Nazareth had the image of Baal on it remember Jesus said render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar because um he asked them whose face is on the coin and they said for the Roman coins there was Caesar's face so um uh the Jews my point that I'm trying to make is that the the Jewish people did not have their own money they did not have their own money they used the money that belongs to the um the people who colonized that area during the time and the Romans were the people who colonized um Jerusalem and Israel in that particular time when Jesus lived and so Judas Pate was paid with 30 uh pieces of silver when Christ was sold and there's 30 pieces of silver would have come from either the Romans or the Greeks either the Romans or the Greeks because the Jewish people did not have their own money and so I want to speak about uh money changes Money Changes because money changes are the people who have the um they have the power to dictate what happens in their society because they're handling there they they are the ones who are minting the money they're the ones who are creating the money supply they are the ones who are in charge of the money so to speak and in a similar way during Jesus's day the people who were in charge of the money were the the Romans the Romans were in charge of the money and the Romans oppressed the Jews they they oppressed them they they tax them and you know that's why the question came to Jesus who shall we should we pay our taxes when Jesus said because they are trying to catch Jesus out because they felt oppressed and they wanted Jesus to side with them in the oppression causing the Romans to rise up and um attack Jesus but Jesus was very clever in his response he said render to season what belongs to Caesar so my point is that the money changes were the Romans and they oppressed the Jews so it's nothing new just like how the money changes who are the banks today are oppressing the children of God because of their um printing money and causing prices to be exorbitant and the economy is um dictated really by Money Changes Money Changes they cause the devaluation and the suppression of certain things so um when I was praying about the money changes right I received a vision of Jesus and I saw him turning the tables I saw him turning the tables remember Jesus turned the tables when he went to the uh the temple because they were trading the money changers were trading in the temple and Jesus came to turn the table so he was saying to me when I was praying I'm turning the tables on the money changes I'm turning the tables on the money changes and I'd like to play a clip for you guys of Jesus actually getting angry and turning the tables in the temple and the reason why they he turned the tables in the temple is because um they were making God's Temple um a place of Commerce instead of a place of prayer so they turned the church into a place of Commerce they were trading in the church instead of teaching preaching and praying in the temple instead of using the temple for its original purpose and so Jesus got angry and he turned the tables so I'm just going to play a clip for you guys show demonstrating Jesus turning the tables and then I'm going to explain to you uh why the Lord was giving me this vision of him turning the tables so let's watch her now [Music] there in the temple he found people selling cattle sheep and pigeons but also the money changers sitting at their tables oh [Music] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] the whip from chords drove all the animals out of the temple both the sheep and the cat [Applause] he overturned the tables of the money changers scattered their coins and he ordered those who sold pigeons [Applause] stop making my father's house a Marketplace his disciples remembered that the scripture says my devotion to your house o God Burns in me like a fire the Jewish authorities came back at him with a question what Miracle can you perform to show us that you have the right to do this tear down this Temple and in three days I will build it again are you going to build it again in three days it has taken 46 years to build this Temple but the temple Jesus was speaking about was his body [Music] so when he was raised from death his disciples remember that he had sent this and they believed the scripture and what Jesus had said [Music] while Jesus was in Jerusalem during the Passover Festival many believed in him as they saw the Miracles he performed but Jesus did not trust himself to them because he knew them all there was no need for anyone to tell him about them because he himself knew what was in their hearts so um the reason why the Lord is speaking to me about turning the tables um we very rarely see Jesus become angry and here we see Jesus become angry and he uses his authority to clean out the temple now yonkapur which is a Jewish High holy day is a day of judgment and when I saw Jesus turning the tables I saw him judging people I saw him judging the church I saw him judging the word I saw him judging the financial system and so um Yom Kippur is a day of judgment and when we see Christ in the temple turning the tables we see Jesus as a judge he's judging them and he's judging their behavior as inappropriate and he turns the tables and so when I was inquiring of the Lord he was showing me that he is coming to First judge the church because in this particular example of scripture where Jesus turns the table he's he first deals with the temple which is the church right so he turns the table on incorrect behavior in the church so Jesus is coming to judge Church he'll not only judge the church but he'll also judge the world according to the standards of the world based on his standards the world will be judged but then as well he'll be judging the banking system because the banking system it has been used as a oppressive tool to keep God's children down to keep his kingdom down and to keep the children of God enslaved in a system that continually makes us work like palfaro made the children of Israel work continually the children of Israel did not have time to go and worship and to sacrifice in the in the wilderness because Pharaoh continually oppressed them and so when Moses approached pharaoh and said let my people go he was saying um you know we want to go and worship the true Living God we want to be released to do what the will of God is and what was the will of God for Israel it was to take back the promised land the promised land was never Egypt the promised land was never so supposed to be staying stuck in a system that you work eat sleep repeat work eat sleep repeat and there's no time for Kingdom Agenda there's no time for building for the kingdom and so this banking system is type of heroic system which the Lord is getting ready to turn the tables on he turned the tables on Pharaoh he turned the tables on the money changers he turned the tables on an unjust weight and if you think about the banking system there is an unjust weight that is currently um in in in force right now whereby things are not equal they've made it so unequal and if you look at proverbs Proverbs speaks about an unjust weight in Proverbs 20 verse 23 the Lord detests differing ways and a dishonest scale does does not please him a dishonest scale does not please him so when we look at the banking system we know that the system is fraudulent we know that it is an unjust weight God hates an unjust weight and so God is getting ready to turn the tables on the banking system and the Lord wanted me to highlight that this is what he was saying in my prayer time I'm getting ready to judge this Yom Kippur I'm getting ready to turn the tables on the banking system so one of the things that the Lord has been speaking to me when it comes to judgment is the church and I made a video which is in my membership Lounge talking about a fake wealth transfer and fake Josephs and so in that video um if you're not a member it discusses exposing doctrines of demons and really it shows how the new age is infiltrating the church and we are to align ourselves with Biblical standards instead of doctrines of demons and so I because of people sending me videos via email I noticed that there is a fake a fake Joseph and there is a fake wealth transfer or rather a counterfeit Joseph and a counterfeit wealth transfer and when you look more closely with a a Discerning spirit because we're all called to measure and weigh and balance things according to scripture right we're not supposed to accept everything as um um outside of scripture we must balance things according to scripture and when you take a closer look at balancing because just as how God hates if you look at proverbs God hates differing weights God also hates when the church is using a different spirit and so God also doesn't like it when we don't discern and weigh things according to his his standard according to his scripture according to his his word and so we're all called to weigh things and what I noticed is that some of these people have been given a platform have an incorrect Spirit they're teaching doctrines of demons they're using manifesting as a tool to uh to become a Joseph you can't manifest being a Joseph you can't use tarot cards Chris crystals to to have a prophetic words you can't operate under a spirit of divination to deliver a word to the the the kingdom of God there is a false spirit and that false spirit is in the chosen one movement and that Chosen One movement um some not all some of them are using New Age teachings in the church they're using New Age teachings in the church and this presentation focuses on um giving examples of those new age teachings and how to stay away from New Age teachings one of those newest age teachings is saying that you are God we are not God this is this is a Lie from the garden of Eden when Satan approached Eve he said You shall be as God this is a doctrine of demons to say that you are God and so this is a presentation just highlights that there is God is coming to judge the church where there is an incorrect Spirit where there is a false Spirit where there are false prophets where there are false teachings where there are uh unbiblical teachings God is coming to judge these people will not be left off the hook God starts with the church he moves to the world and then he's going to go on to the banking system so God will judge he will judge um I think you know one of the things about um the Lord is that he's slow to anger and when he's because he's slow to anger people think that they could operate however they want to operate but when God judges it is a fearful thing to come under the Judgment of God it is a fearful thing and a lot of people in the church have no reverence they have no reverence for the things of God and so God will be judging false prophets he will be judging false Josephs he will be judging the Christians who are non-discerning because if you're non-discerning you're going to end up like the rest of the world unprepared and you will be judged as the world is judged and so if you're not Discerning the times and the seasons and the fact that you had to prepare financially you come under that judgment the same judgment that the world is doing to receive and so the Lord has also showing me that he those who cause division in his church but it's not just false prophets because there's lots of false prophets out there but there are children of God who are causing division in the kingdom of God and these people have critical Spirits I've noticed that there's a lot of people who are quick to criticize the children of God who are on the front line who are doing God's will they will criticize them and they have arguments that create strife and they stir the pot they say Paul said this Apollo said this know that you will be judged for your incorrect spirit for your incorrect attitude right but also those who have touched God's anointed if if somebody is Anointed by God because we know there's the false prophet who will be judged but there is also the true prophet and those who have been putting their hand or their mouth toward the true prophets of God they'll be judged so for example YouTube I've been having problems with YouTube recently and in essence you see YouTube is touching the anointing that God has On Me by in a way persecuting me by censoring me and so God will judge that God will judge YouTube God will judge The Jezebel spirit The Jezebel spirit that wants to keep the prophet quiet The Jezebel spirit that wants to um silence because you see if they're silencing the prophets of God they'll silence the children of God you see it starts from the top and it it filters down to the bottom and so if they're doing that to the leaders of the church or that the people who are championing truth they will do that to the people who are following truth they will oppress the people who are following truth and so when you touch God's anointed his true Prophets know that even though God is slow to act he will still judge those people and I noticed that a lot of people who are quick to talk about things matters that they know very little about the Lord is showing me that those people their judgment will be that they will be part of the wealth transfer but end up poor they will they will end up poor because they created Strife with their critical spirit they've opened up a door of poverty they've opened up a door of poverty you see you cannot command Goshen or you cannot lead Goshen if you already criticizing the people of God who are trying to build for the kingdom how is God going to put you in charge of things if you've got a critical spirit you can't lead people if you're already causing division in the church how will God entrust you to his sheep if you're already causing division so there's been quite a few people who've had a lot to say about a lot but they are going to receive God's judgment and the Lord highlighted Michael Pence because when I was meditating on the uh two pence the two pens and the currency devaluing the Lord highlighted Michael Pence and he's going to come under the Judgment of God as well he is going to come under the Judgment of God as well and so false narratives false narratives so the um the secular narrative which has been propagating all these demonic doctrines such as lgbtq and there's quite a few demonic doctrines that have been propagated these false narratives will also come under judgment so Yom Kippur is all about judgment and the Lord has been leading me in a in a in a in a series a few weeks regarding the Yom Kippur coming up and how he's going to be judging everybody whether good or bad you see the Bible teaches that you know them by their fruit what is the fruit of somebody what is the fruit of somebody you can tell what somebody is like by what they say and how they behave and so this presentation looks at what people are saying what they where their allegiance is and what they um what they um what they're all about really it exposes the doctrines of devils the doctrines of devils in a very black and white way so the Lord is slow to anger um repent this this presentation teaches people repentance at the end I speak about repentance if you do not turn away from sin when the Lord highlights that there is a sin you see repentance has become unpopular in the church today why because repentance doesn't sell um it doesn't make people feel good repentance doesn't cause people to give of their tithes and their offerings repentance doesn't make people feel warm and fuzzy inside it convicts it convicts the heart and so when God brings a conviction um you know the church does talk about repentance the church doesn't talk about renouncing and cutting away from demonic doctrines and sometimes when you're called to to highlight these things the enemy can attack you I noticed that after I release that video on fake Joseph's fake wealth transfer there was an attack I received an attack for doing that and it's because the enemy doesn't want Christians to be exposed to the truth every time I make something that is against the kingdom of darkness I notice that I get attacked and so um anyway what I wanted to highlight is that the Sterling pound is going to devalue and the Lord is slow to anger we're entering a season of um Yom Kippur which is a time of reflection repentance turning away from sin so that we go into the new year fresh under the blood of Jesus um and uh renewed in our thinking and our understanding of things and so I hope you guys have enjoyed this presentation um thank you very much for everybody who supports this ministry every seed that is sown from the smallest seed to the the biggest seed you guys are very well loved um it's sometimes it's not easy doing Ministry but when we are supported in what we do it gives us the courage to continue to do what we do because we've got YouTube at us we've got um the world at us sometimes we've got even Christians come at us for what we trying to make the world a better place we're trying to do what God has called us to do and sometimes it's not always about money but when we receive gifts even though we don't ask for gifts it shows that the body of Christ is supporting us it shows that the body of Christ is not just sitting and spectating and watching and enjoying the information that you're putting out it shows that there is an honoring you honoring the gift in me you honoring the calling of God in Me when you when you give a new gift and so I'm so appreciative of everybody who was given to this ministry so thank you very much for watching guys shabbat shalom

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