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Sears Virus: Pandemic

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

A virus that affects children

you are here [Music] [Music] [Music] to God be the glory to God glory for the peace he [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody so today's presentation is going to touch on a few things that God has placed upon my heart to share I'm referring back to the coronation that occurred on the 3rd of January and also I'll be speaking about prophets and seers seers are people who can see in Into the Future who know what will happen because God is giving them that divine revelation and insight so I will be speaking about that um in Greater detail so I'd like to welcome all my new subscribers because my following has grown and I'd like to give them some context when it comes to the 3rd of January so a while ago I had a dream about the delivery of a vehicle which the vehicle um in the dream means the wealth transfer and um in that dream are an angel Steve came to me and said two months and Steve means Victory crown and Garland when you look up the the the word Steve the meaning of the word Steve and that two-month period happened on the 3rd of January which was the coronation or the crowning ceremony so um I'll touch a little bit more about the 3rd of January in a different slide further along the line so you understand how I'm linking it to the correlation but for now let's look at the definition of coronation so a coronation is a um is a rite of passage whereby royalty is crowned and they normally do it for monarchs in in the natural countries such as the United Kingdom um would understand this very well because there is a um a monarchy in the United Kingdom and basically when a king or queen is crowned they take special vows and those special vows uh dedicate them to their purpose to their calling in life and to their Kingdom and we see that in the Bible they speak about coronations as well and normally the Kings of Israel were anointed in the New Testament we know that um the Holy Spirit anoints people right because we are a royal priesthood so in the New Testament we are also anointed and if you look at the mention of vowels when someone takes a vowel it's basically another word for vow is covenant now I've had quite a few people email me about covenants still and I would recommend that they go and look at this biblical study which I'll put in the description box for those of you who still have questions unfortunately I can't answer each individual email so hopefully this will help everybody with the questions that they have so I'll put this link in the description box and it's a beautiful beautiful article from the baker's uh dictionary uh the Biblical dictionary so it looks at biblical dictionaries and it breaks down things for people so that they can understand Concepts in a much easier way and what I find fascinating if you read the article that Covenant is mentioned 280 times in the Bible so it's it's mentioned quite a lot so it's important concept for a Christian to understand and then in the New Testament it's mentioned 33 times which is equally as important now a lot of what I teach is the deeper meatier things of God's word and a lot of what I teach us for those who are mature in the faith sometimes you know with the when you look at the ministry of Jesus Christ some of the things that he taught were not understood by everybody uh some things are hidden um so if if there is a lack of Revelation when it comes to these matters such as um coronations crowning anointing vows then one can pray for revelation um regarding these matters if they're still sort of you know not comprehending and so when we look at what Jesus has achieved for us on the cross um oh just going back here it has the definitions as well and it talks about every time it mentions the word covenant in the Bible which is 280 times it will mention every single Covenant so it will give you a breakdown a holistic breakdown of of what it means and obviously I can't speak about the the whole teaching because it would be hours and hours long of of helping people or disciple people but um this article breaks it down beautifully but when we look at the um Ministry of Jesus Christ and what he's achieved for us with his blood we see that we can boldly enter into the throne of grace where we may obtain mercy and find Grace in our time of need and if you understand what the throne is where Jesus is seated with uh Yahweh Abba Father you know that in the Old Testament that was where the Ark of the Covenant sat in the temple uh the throne and in the New Testament it's where we can approach the holy of holies through the blood of Jesus and if you look at this scripture which is in Acts I think he calls us a royal priesthood because of what Jesus blood has purchased for us we are able to approach the throne of grace because of the blood and because of the blood we can approach the most holy of holies remember when Jesus died the veil of the temple was renting too allowing the access into the holy of holies because of his blood so yes you can approach God on the matter of these deeper subjects such as um looking at forming a covenants with him because one of the questions I had was um isn't God supposed to approach you you shouldn't approach God but no the Jesus I know I can approach because of his blood because his blood has purchased the rite of passage for me to go to the throne where I may petition and ask for such matters especially if I'm led by the Holy Spirit to do this and that's why I said in my previous presentation you must have a conviction from the Holy Spirit to do these things it's it's not compulsory it's an optional Thing by the leading of the Holy Spirit so we're seated in Heavenly places with Christ because of his blood and therefore I can approach the throne of grace I at any time at any day but today we're speaking about um crowning with regards to um prophets seers and the future and on day 47 of my Ministry I've put up a presentation on YouTube which was taken down and you can now find it on Rumble if you're interested in watching that and basically in this presentation on Rumble I touch on how uh Herod and Pharaoh recognize that a deliverer would be born you know Herod recognized that the king there was going to be a crowning of the king of the Jews who is Jesus and he became threatened by that and so and because of that he tried to prevent the coronation by causing a culling of the children and I mentioned that in this presentation and then I gave another example of pharaoh who uh recognized that you know the Jewish people were becoming increasingly strong in Egypt and the best way to manage that would be to kill the boys and so they threw all the boys in the River Nile and um Pharaoh recognized that in the spiritual realm there would be a deliverer that would rise up in terms of a another type of King you see Moses was crowned in the spiritual realm to lead Israel out of Egypt in terms of his anointing and the Covenant that God had with him and so always the enemy will try and prevent a coronation in the spiritual realm when it comes to God's chosen and his anointed and so I'd like to share a testimony with you and this is not uh to um art of Pride or boasting it's just to illustrate an example and a point that you know on day 50 which is Jubilee of my Ministry I speak about crowning in the tenth of tevet and how Esther is crowned as Queen which was on the 3rd of January this year and how Steve is crowning um the Josephs and how we've come full circle and then the very day after this 50th day my Ministry came under attack for the very teaching of um you know crowns and Covenants um because they're very much Linked In the spiritual Realm and you know I took it to the Lord in prayer and then on the next day he Vindicated me you know and I continued praying about it because it was a mystery to me and and on the the the 53rd day the Lord showed me that he's sifting out those who have an understanding and those who don't have an understanding and that's absolutely fine because like I said it's an optional thing um and I find it wonderful that you know when you hold your peace and you choose to forgive that God does sort things out naturally for you so um what I'd also like to say is that God speaks to me in a language that I understand and the language I understand is detail and also on that very uh next day after you know um I I saw the number seven in terms of how many new prescribers subscribers I received so I'd like to thank everybody for watching and for joining and for wanting to learn about these far deeper matters when it comes to spiritual um the spiritual side of the wealth transfer so in the natural Herod was crowned it spiritually Jesus was crowned in the natural Reuben was first born but in the spiritual Joseph would be crowned as prime minister and take the first uh the the birthright of that family and get a double portion in the natural Pharaoh was crowned but really it was Moses who was crowned to be the deliverer so always when there is a coronation you you might notice that um the enemy might come into um uh steal kill and destroy an attack that does happen it is quite natural and normal and this is what the Holy Spirit was showing me this morning um because I was reflecting on the seers because today I'm speaking about Sears um I'm speaking about Sears and I was reflecting on that and this is what the Holy Spirit was showing me in terms of the past couple of days which have been quite challenging but I love what one of my subscribers said they said that covenants is a love language of God and when God speaks to us in his love language and he wants to form an alliance with us the enemy will try and um you know come in between wanting us to be in tune with God's love love language um and it's a thread that is seen throughout the Bible you know it's a thread that's seen throughout the Bible so um before I go on to speak about seers I wanted to touch on a little bit about the um the difficulty that a lot of my subscribers are having you know and I I touched on this yesterday that it's important to be kind to one another you know not to fight and nitpick and um cause division and I I received so many emails from people who um you know are really struggling and yesterday I received an email that really brought me to tears in terms of um the level of hardship and difficulty that this particular person is it has it has had to endure and when I took it to the Lord in prayer after having um meditated on it and and and and spoke to God about it he was saying to me you know that um a lot of people um but particularly BN I won't mention your name you know who you are you watch the Joseph video and then you emailed me the Lord was telling me how anointed you are how anointed your son is how you carry that anointing how you've been crowned in the spiritual Realm for such great things that God is going to do through you the enemy tried to take you out and yes he has taken half of you but God has replaced that other half and together you're anointing will create great things in the kingdom of God what you've been through has been absolutely uh horrendous and what you are going through has been horrendous but I want to encourage you in that the anointing that sits on your shoulders and on your child's shoulders um the one that was birthed in the first the first child the anointing that sits on that child's shoulders is so great and that is where the battle is and that's why you've had to go through so much that's why you've had to endure so much that's why your life has been so difficult trial after trial um persecution after persecution so I lifted you up before God yesterday and he was showing me that your mantle is extremely great in the spiritual realm you are an extremely anointed person when it comes to what's going to happen with the wealth transfer and what's going to happen with them your life and your ministry you will you will have so many testimonies that you will forget all the hardship the traumas that you've had to face you've been through so so much trauma in your life and God is going to elevate you where you will say Ephraim and Manasseh and I wanted to encourage you in that and there's another thing the second point I wanted to say that God showed me is that if you are going to lose the thing that you're holding on to because there's something you're holding on to I won't mention it there's something you're holding on to and it's it's getting to a stage where you're not sure if you can keep it allow it to go because God will restore he will restore he will restore not only what it's sold for but Sevenfold of what it's sold for if it has to go so give yourself I know you're under a lot of pressure right now give yourself the allowance of letting God release you in that regard and knowing that the mental that you carry is far greater than the oppression that you've had to go through so that was um uh something that I felt led to share in terms of um the the testimonies and then a few more testimonies that I'd like to share before I speak about Sears is that there are a lot of people who are really really out there going through so much and these are some of the testimonies I've received from my subscribers I've had a lady contact me who's been um bedridden for the whole of 2022. because of breast cancer fighting breast cancer and she's just come round um in the November December period and found my videos and because of that she has uh bought xrp which is is amazing of God to to do that because if you understand the timeline of the wealth transfer we're at the cusp of being ushered into you know the the greatest wealth transfer of the entire of of History and for this particular lady to have not heard of the wealth transfer before and find my videos just before it's about to happen and purchase assets and when they're still available to purchase is phenomenal and then I'd have another mother who contacted me and she said you know that her child has severe difficulty in terms of autism and on the 3rd of January when we did the crowning and the shofar blast um her child ate cake for the first time previously unable to eat cake if I understood correctly you see the shafar is God's voice it causes Liberation in the spiritual realm there's things that happen in the spiritual realm that we are unable to see and um she she likened the eating of cake to a celebration and a crown which I found fantastic that you the here you see the evidence of God moving in people's lives in a way that speaks to them in a way that they understand in a language that they understand and of course I will reference again um one of my subscribers contacted me and said I'm not sure if I'm a Joseph and um the the within the space of a few days the Lord showed her this particular picture on Instagram and I mean you can't make this stuff up if she'd watched my video on fur coats and here she sees Joseph in the biggest fur coat she could possibly imagine and right at the bottom it says favor and fair baby and it's so true when you're favored by God he will Elevate you despite your opposition despite what people might say despite what your situation might be he will Elevate you because favor isn't fair and here you have a confirmation from one of my subscribers saying she is indeed a Joseph you know she's asked God she took it to God she's she's contemplated and she's taken it to the Lord and indeed she is a Joseph and here was her confirmation and I've had so many testimonies about bridges I've speak spoken extensively about the bridge currency all the x's and I've had so many testimonies about bridges so here's one um Shalom Kim I want to send you this I wanted to send you this as confirmation of your video on the 29th of December wealth transfer Jubilee after I finished watching and listened to your video I got up to get a glass of water and when I looked back at my monitor this was the photo on it a golden colored Bridge with x's as I have gold silver and xrp I believe God is reassuring me so this is the picture that they they sent and obviously I replied this particular subscriber and I told them how thrilled I was and if I could share their testimony and as soon as they read my email this popped up on the the iPad Kim double confirmation this photo of the same bridge now in a storm on my monitor this morning so straight after I read your email so I found that phenomenal and then um within the 50 days I've had several hundred people contact me saying I've connected a DOT or given them confirmation with regards to the wealth transfer but then the best testimonies of all are those are who are telling me that my teachings are drawing them closer to Christ you know and the the concepts I teach are are growing them spiritually I love those because I'm more concerned about people's Soul and Spirit more than their wealth and although I love hearing about um all testimonies you know how this particular lady who's had a really tough year in 2022 with cancer has has just joined the wealth transfer in December that is God's grace I mean you can't make this stuff up and then a mother who has her own challenges with her child you know she sees the child being able to celebrate with her on the 3rd of January to eat a cake I absolutely love it so like I said the Josephs are marked I've made a presentation on this and many people what the Lord is showing me many people got sick between the 23rd of December and the 3rd of January as an attack on their physical body because in the spiritual Realm they're marked and many people have had an intense 2022. some have almost been taken out you know the enemy almost extinguished you in 2022 that's how Fierce the battle was because because Herod does not want you to be crowned you see and um if you've been following me my Ministry closely you know that I've had a horrific last year was horrific for me it was one of the darkest years of my life and it's because the enemy knows you know we have been called for this time we've been called for the wealth transfer that's why the heat has been fierce when it comes to you've been identified in the spiritual realm previously you were hidden but now you know 2023 you will be visible in terms of what God is doing spiritually so the presentation I was going to focus on um you know the seers which are prophets see another name for Sia is a prophet and the Lord is showing me that many people lost their jobs because of refusing to take um the V you know what I mean uh personally I work in the medical field I also lost my job and I lost a lot of respect because I challenged the narrative using science and using my understanding of science and um because it was not what the media was uh portraying or saying um that even though we're all medically trained and we have a scientific background my colleagues chose to go with what was being portrayed in the news rather than what the evidence suggested and because of that I lost a lot of respect so much so I almost lost my license because meant when you train in the medical field you get licenses and you get put on you get put on a register and um my my character came into question and because my character came into question um the threat on my vocation really was my licensing so um I'm no stranger to persecution right I had a dark 2022 and I understand most of uh what my subscribers who contact me and ask me for prayer I understand I'm not teaching and preaching from Ivory Tower where I've not had not had any experiences I've got loads of experience when it comes to spiritual warfare um it's still ongoing you know but we persevere and we love and we forgive so I'd like you guys to read this for yourself this because it's important that what Mr Gates is um up to and we see that the Next Generation will be called Sears and Sears what is a Seer a Seer is a person who is supposed Supernatural Insight who sees visions of the future so you can see the future if you're a seer right um you're somebody who is prophetic in nature God will give you dreams or visions or Insight or a word of knowledge that allows you to see what will happen in the future that makes you a seer now notice how the next issue is called Sears and what the Lord is showing me is that according to Acts 2 verse 17 in the last days God said I will pour out my spirit on all people your sons and daughters will prophesy your young men shall see Visions your old men should dream dreams so we know that in the last day in the latter times God's spirit is going to increase he's not going to speak to a select few he'll speak to his sons his daughters and we will prophesy right the prophetic will increase in the last days and Visions will increase and people will dream more why because you're going to see an increase in the amount of Sears in the body of Christ people who can see into the future notice here what Mr Gates is up to right look at what it is going to be called now what the Lord was showing me is that the Next Generation which is the children there's going to be an attack on the prophetic and the seers for the Next Generation that's what this this next thing is about really if you read here um I would encourage you to pause the slide only because I don't want to end up in the YouTube Naughty corner with regards to [Music] um you know what one can and can't say but if you pause this you'll see that there's a possibility of killing 100 million people right possibility of killing 100 million people and this particular um information is from this article right so you can pause and read the rest for yourself and the Lord was showing me that when people are crowned in the in the spiritual Realm you are anointed okay in terms of the New Testament the kings and queens and the priests of the New Testament are anointed spiritually and the anointing is is something that you can't snap out you can't remove so the devil tries to kill that because he's threatened he is threatened by the um the birthing of the Next Generation which is the Sears the prophets and the children remember what I said about um Herod and pharaoh they were threatened right they were threatened by that the Next Generation because Jesus would be the next Generation he'd be crowned King Moses is the next Generation who would be crowned deliverer they were threatened so what did they do when they were threatened they caused uh this loss of life right why because the next Generation in the current generate generation of Josephs are marked and when you're marked you're anointed for a higher purpose beyond what you could even imagine I know a lot of people are having a an inkling or a a small understanding of what you know God wants them to do with their wealth but actually when you see God working in the next season after the wealth transfer you'll see that it will be beyond what you could have even imagined I don't think Joseph thought he was going to be doing all the things that he ended up doing you know and it will be the same for the wealth transfer so the Lord was showing me that the next generation of Sia's Prophets The the children are are you know there's going to be an attack on the children so if you haven't watched the rumble video I would recommend you head over there because that's where I speak about and part of this is linked to this presentation and if you're new um my Rumble handle is my king Yeshua all one word but the link as well can be found in the about section on YouTube or in in this particular presentation I speak about how the children had a lack of covering and what you can do to cover your children so I'm going to speak about uh two more dreams to augment this presentation that I've had about children but I'm going to warn you um if you have had children and you have any unhealed trauma because of the loss of children this might affect you so I'd just be mindful of continuing to watch if you have any unhealed trauma so in the second dream I dreamed of uh babies being flaccid or limp I dreamed of babies being paralyzed from the neck down and in that dream I was standing next to a pastor in a room we were in a room together and I was standing next to a pastor and the pastor's name was Isaac and Isaac means laughter and um the child was next to Pastor Isaac and it was limp or flaccid you know it was paralyzed the child and I picked the child up and and I lifted it from underneath its arms I picked it up and I lifted it up and it was like jelly the child was like jelly it was paralyzed and the net the neck from the neck down it needed to be supported because it was very floppy the child was floppy so I dreamed of that and I dreamed of how the pastor was watching me try and hold up the child and he looked so helpless he stood there unable to do anything he looked very um inadequate the pasta and and each time I tried to prop the child out each time you know it it appeared as though it was like jelly from the neck down it was paralyzed and then I woke up and the Lord is showing me you know that the pastor's name was was Isaac and Isaac means laughter and that particular pastor had no joy he had no laughter he was unable to help he was he was restricted in his capacity and that's why if you look at my first dream where I speak about blankets and children it's important to be preventative in our approach rather than trying to um you know it's already happened and then you're trying to help in terms of spiritually trying to help in this particular dream I speak about how you know God warns us before things happen he gives his his uh prophets his his seers information to see things before they happen to warn people so that they can be preventative in in their approach of how um to tackle a problem as opposed to it's already happened and you know the children are already paralyzed and then there's not much the church can do because the pastor represents the church you know if these children are taken to the church for healing it's already too late because um they had not foreseen or prevented or being under the covering of the the shelter of the most high as Psalm 91 speaks about so that was the second dream and then I woke up and in the third dream on a separate occasion I dreamed that children were born with severe deformities but particularly in the area of the adrenals uh kidney malformations that's what I dreamed I dreamed I had kidney malformations and again the children were flaccid they were limp they were they were paralyzed they were unable to move and the kidney the the kidneys were affected and in this dream I dreamed that doctors were handing the children over to the parents you know after they had been born and the parents were unable to do much the parents sort of parallel parallel to the pastor just how the pastor was unable to help in this dream the parents looked so so deep deflated and unable to do much this they seemed they seem so disadvantaged because where do you start there was just so many problems and so much going on so many things to deal with in terms of malformations uh um and paralysis and so and then I woke up and this dream after I'd woken up from this third dream it was I felt so heavy I felt um I describe how heavy I felt in um my dream and Rumble when I describe my dream and Rumble I felt so much grief when I when I woke up from this stream and when I woke up from this particular one with the Deep with the malformations or the deformities I felt equally as upset I was feeling heavy and just a sense of intense grief in my spirit I felt so much grief and so much um sadness I felt sad I saw the parents how sad their parents were and I felt sad as well so um I thought I'd share that with you so God was showing me that they're attacking the next generation of Sears and Prophets and that's why they've called the next problem Sears that's why it's called Sears um if you look here it's called Sears say I just thought I'd share that with you guys so um we need to protect the next generation of Believers by being proactive in our prayer by being postured in an understanding of um geopolitical events and being mindful of what the media is telling us and being mindful of what the media might be trying to push on us in terms of what the government wants us to do so my message really goes back to why we are being called as Joseph's it's to build a ocean why do we build Goshen so that we are postured and we're prepared for the next attack for the next problem solution reaction because we're heading towards the days of Noah and if you understand medicine there's going to be a use of the manipulation of genetics using particular her medicinal products and so that's why we've been commissioned to be called out and be separate because as well as the famine because there is going to be a famine in in seven years time there's also going to be more issues that arise and this particular issue is forecast for uh 2025 however uh I feel like it might be sooner for some reason I feel like it might be sooner than that because they've already started their simulations in terms of um what might uh be the prepared preparedness for certain things now notice here how you have that number 23 again and how the Lord said to me 23 23 23 23 so again you see that um synchronicity with that number so my my message Remains the Same that Joseph's have been crowned this this is the year of Joseph you have been crowned with a mantle and your mantle is really to build Goshen to be prepared I'm mourning everybody to prepare yourself and to posture yourself not just to enjoy the wealth but to be ready for when the enemy does bring his his vicious attacks on the Saints and the Next Generation we are custodians of the Next Generation and we are to protect the Next Generation it's not just about us so I thank you very much for watching if you've got to the end um I hope this presentation has blessed you strengthened you edified you and given you more Revelation on on current events and more Revelation on Covenants more Revelation on crowning hopefully this helps um with also all the questions I've received because I've received so so many questions and I'm hoping that this is the final presentation where I I can address those questions but I won't be answering any more questions on covenants if you are struggling to understand I have put a link in the description box in terms of um you can go do your own homework when it comes to the 280 times that a covenant is mentioned and just know that you can approach Jesus it's an optional thing but if you are allowed to approach Jesus on these matters because his blood is purchased us that right because we're seated in Heavenly places with him we are allowed to we are royal priesthood and we can approach the throne of grace where we may obtain mercy and find Grace in our time of need and then I've had quite a few questions on um how to donate and unfortunately I cannot open more bank accounts or more apps um because I I'm new to Ministry and I am I'm trying not to over complicate things so the um donation buttons that are available are the ones that are available I if you can't make a payment through those methods then I completely understand and I accept the willingness was on your heart already and um cash app is available and it is now working before it wasn't working because I hadn't added all my personal details like I said I'm new to all of this so um and then if you can't use cash app that is revolut which is a bank it's an International Bank and it is accepted in America because I had a question about will the bank be accepted in America this is my username yes it is accepted and this is my QR code and then of course there is the universal one which is Paypal which I know a lot of people don't have but those are the options so thank you very much for watching I pray this presentation has blessed you strengthened you edified you and given you further Revelation and aside from that I hope that the testimonies that I have shared because I've shared a few testimonies um hopefully the testimonies I shared um also give you sort of encouragement because we we overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of Our Testimony it's important to tell people testimonies especially when God is working on our behalf and I absolutely love the testimonies that I have been receiving in the short space that I have been teaching so thank you very much for watching Everybody you're well loved and appreciated shabbat shalom

Tags: children, seers, pandemic, virus

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