Telegram Group Rules/Guidelines
(Beta project)
Regarding the Beta Project
The Lord has asked me to network Josephs, and he has entrusted with me with well over 1000 Josephs from across the globe who may want to build Goshen. The Telegram group (which is by invitation only) is still in its infancy and with all new projects come minor teething problems. Through the Telegram group, I am learning how to implement better structure that may benefit a majority of users and not just some.
The end objective is that The Goshen Foundation Forums will be streamlined and revolve around farming only. This forum will be exclusive to The Goshen Foundation Website and will open in 2024.
What is a beta project?
A Beta Program is a set of tests designed to determine if a completed product fulfills the value proposition that it was designed to deliver. A Beta Program should be executed after a product has been built but before it is launched.
May 2023 Feedback from the Telegram Group Users :
1. Most users 21/24 do not own a Goshen yet and therefore, primary objectives of the group are sidelined until the wealth transfer occurs, the majority of users prefer to engage more informally on other matters.
2. 7/24 users input includes a level of pastoral care beyond the scope of project
3. 1/24 users complained that the group is too large
4. 8/24 users highlighted that Telegram is not as anonymous as they would like
5. 15/24 users do not have the capacity to keep up with the volume of information therefore rate limiting steps have been implemented, and the forum is open for fellowship on Saturday, Sunday and Monday - if these days are not suitable for you there is a poll to let us know which days are better suited to the majority.
June 2023 Updates for the Telegram users
I (Kim) have been tasked with bringing Josephs together and it is up to them to allow themselves to be led by the Lord in those collaborations. That said, I can not account for human behaviour on the group as well as the enemy's influence.
ABBA has been giving me more revelation about why He wants us to stay quiet about our Joseph mandates; please be careful about using Telegram. I found some information regarding its safety and how the developers (if users do not specifically request to encrypt the messages) are storing the messages on their cloud servers. So it’s not entirely encrypted (link below).
Though there are so many benefits associated to using Telegram unfortunately it also brings along its own set of problems.
For this reason I will highlight the new rules.
By joining the forum you automatically agree to these rules
If you feel uncomfortable in a group for any reason, feel free to leave or “mute” the notifications. I (Kim) do not need an explanation for you leaving, I honour that you are led by the LORD on your decisions and I fully respect this
Feel free to delete your personal information or photograph at anytime. Your forum profile is your responsibility to maintain. If you cannot delete your information contact the group owner.
All information shared on the group is confidential. Do not share what someone else has written without their permission first
The forum will be open on: Saturday, Sunday & Monday
Respect the purpose and objective of each group. This group is about building Goshen. Try and stick to the remit of the group when posting
Be respectful of an individuals beliefs and background. There are different levels of spiritual maturity on this group
User posts from other ministries do not represent the views of My King Yeshua / TGF.
Discrimination against other ministries based on personal revelation will not be tolerated.
Avoid sending too many messages and spamming the group
The group is not a substitute for spending time with the LORD. There are people in full-time ministry like myself that require more time with the LORD and may be less available for comment or interactions
Do not feel pressured to read every message and conversation. Join in when you can and at your leisure. Interact according to your commitments.
Do not feel pressured to send voice messages if you are uncomfortable speaking.
Do not feel pressured to participate in polls or any other group activity
FULL TRANSPARENCY: I (Kim) do not know anyone well enough to vet their character, I have not met individuals and weighed them. Everyone on this group has sent me one or two emails regarding identifying with the character of Joseph. Please do not assume that my character is their character. Be mindful of whom you form soul ties with. Trust is earned - do not be quick to assume trust just because someone has labeled themself a Christian. Test the spirits and measure people by their fruit.
I (Kim) have been tasked with bringing people together and it is up to them to allow themselves to be led by the Lord in those collaborations. That said, I can not account for human behaviour on the group as well as the enemy's influence.
User’s posts are their personal opinions do not represent the views of My King Yeshua / TGF. My King Yeshua / TGF is not responsible for the content of forum posts, and does not certify any information on the forums as correct, worthy or accurate. You should treat any advice received under these considerations.
If you choose to advertise your business or Goshen project, you do so at your own risk - any unwanted attention or business loss is your sole responsibility
If participants choose to be patrons of any business or Goshen projects advertised here, the services received are independent of these forums. Any risk from accepting or buying into these services are your own
All posts and other communications through the forums, are the property of the forums. We reserve the right to remove your content, including all posts and topics created, at our discretion. If you would like your testimony / picture removed please contact the group owner
LIABILITY. As the User, you accept sole liability for any content you post to the forums. You agree to indemnify My King Yeshua / TGF and its team members against and costs, claims, damages, liability, legal fees, loss and other expenses we may incur resulting from your post(s) or other communications using the forums. We expressly exclude any liability for damages or loss resulting from a breach of the Forum Rules. We retain the right to remove or block access to any material which we believe is in breach of the Forum Rules, at our sole discretion
DISCLAIMER: FINANCIAL ADVICE: The content and materials featured or linked are for your information and education only and are not attended to address your particular personal requirements.
The information does not constitute financial advice or recommendation and should not be considered as such.
Always do your own research and seek independent financial advice when required.
Any arrangement made between you and any third party named or linked to from the site is at your sole risk and responsibility.
The information contained on this group and the resources available for download through this group is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, financial advice.
DISCLAIMER: ACCURACY OF INFORMATION: The information provided on this group and the resources available for download are NOT CHECKED FOR accuracy. It is your sole responsibility to exercise your own due diligence for information posted by individuals.
DISCLAIMER: This forum has no oversight and it your responsibility to treat the information with a grain of salt
DISCLAIMER: DO NOT ASSUME EVERYONE IS CHRISTIAN AND HOLDS YOUR UNDERSTANDING/ INTERPRETATION OF THE BIBLE. Jesus had Judas, Joshua had Achan , Moses had Koriah, Nehemiah had Sanballat and Tobias. All people are imperfect and carry a level of risk- assess the situation and use your own judgment before forming friendships
You will be held accountable for who you choose to trust.
If you are private messaging people, you do so at your own risk.
Do not be quick to give out your personal information, (i) where you live, (ii) your financial information or anything thing that will put you at a disadvantage.
Do not be quick to go into business with people on this group without careful supplication and prayer. Keep your business to yourself for the most part. If you go into business with people on this group that is at your own risk and the responsibility for any loss rests solely on yourself.
Do not be quick to disclose your finances.
Do not be quick to take financial advice from anyone.
Do not give out specific financial advice unless you are trained to do so.
Anyone excepting assistance from individuals on the group needs to be mindful that they should still vet the information themselves
TELEGRAM & PRIVACY - If you feel unsafe delete your information and leave.
I (Kim) do not own the Telegram group, I am a participant like everyone else. I have no control over if the group continues to be a success or if the group is dissolved.
Pastoral care is not available in this group
These rules will be updated on a regular basis, it is your responsibility to keep checking the rules for updates.
Version 1.0 Updated 5 June 2023
Meet The Team

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
I AM that I AM
Ancient of Days
Alpha and Omega

Jesus Christ
King of Kings
The High Priest after the order of Melchizedek
The Messiah
The Blood Sacrifice on the altar of YHWH
Bread of life
My everything

The Holy Spirit
The Ruach HaKodesh, Breath of God, Leader into all truth, Living Water, Fire of God, Dunamis power, The Anointing, The Spirit of Prophecy pointing to Jesus
The Comforter

Watchman on the wall, Teacher, Dreamer,
Zaphenath-Pania, lover of the messiah Jesus, Bride, Remnant, Covenant keeper, worshipper of YHWH