Witchcraft is increasing! Learn how to fight the enemy and win with these proven biblical principles on spiritual warfare. This is MODULE ONE in an eight part series. Please look out for our other courses in this SPIRITUAL WARFARE series: Module 1: Spiritual Warfare - The rise of the occult - Politics, Entertainment, Academics & Hospitals Module 2 : Spiritual Warfare - The Marine Kingdom (Starbucks & Finances) Module 3: Buying Land (Satan's land vs holy land) - Where & How to purchase your Goshen Module 4: Spiritual Warfare - Film and Music - (witchcraft programming) Module 5: Narcissism, Sociopaths and Psychopaths (The age of Jezebel) Module 6: Witches and Warlocks in Churches (Project Stargate, Looking Glass, MK Ultra and more) Module 7: The era of X Module 8: Illuminati, NWO & Zionism- in-depth research
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